Sunday 29 March 2009

The decay of civilisation

What's the world coming to?

It's a sad indictment of both me and the world around me that I read these things and think that being a social pariah is a pretty safe place to be!!!

Saturday 28 March 2009

weariness wears

I could sleep 10 hours a night right now - I seem totally exhausted all the time. I hope this isn't early onset old age! Henry seems to wake at 06.00 every morning without exception, and I've been hitting the saCK AT 21.00 - even this doesn't seem to cut the mustard. It's a good job my occupation isn't a physical one!!!

Wednesday 25 March 2009


I hate Facebook - I want to use it and be involved and somehow be friends with 2 million people etc except I'm not, I think being snotty and superior in my youth is coming back to roost as most people think "fuck that he's prick" which isn't too far from the truth. :-)

That's the point at which I think it would be better to get off facebook altogether and so forth - it's not a terribly cathartic process but equally, I like to keep in contact with people that otherwise I would lose contact with......... hmmmm

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Long day

It's been a long day today for me. I had to drive down to Andover today and my car is in the garage. My courtesy car is a 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa and frankly it's made my day horrendous It's amazing how much longer it takes when you're hurtling around in a a baked bean tin out of control!

I'm pretty disillusioned with my job, the company and the staff. It's just so hap hazard, political, and frankly poorly remunerated that I'm unsure that I can stay much longer. I took a couple of calls form recruitment consultants today and just for once I think I may follow some up and see what happens.

Henry was my highlight of the day today - he wandered over to the dog bowl and from an impressive distance peed into the dog's water with an impressive splash! As much as one wants to chastise him a significant part of me was frankly just wetting myself!

Get the first one out the way and thats the back of it broken!

Well it is tricky knowing how to start these so size tens straight in is the best approach for me! I feel pretty refreshed having had seven hours of sleep last night, and Henry sleeping in till 6:40 am - which is GOOOD!

Sadly Helen worked last night so it's a few hours of snatching grown up things, shaving, emails, work kit etc whilst playing Monkeys, car crashes and Peppa Pig for the majority of the time Helen is usually home by 8.30 after a night but she's often very weary and it makes me feel guilty just running our on her as she walks in through the door after a night shift. I have no idea how she manages it - she's double hard!